Monday, December 29, 2008

Trying to stay strong, spirit willing:

Rooming with Hannah at Sarah & the Mollys' house this week. It is lovely. My life lately has been full of wonderful coincidences. Thomas canceled our Spanish lesson tonight (I wasn't prepared). I got a job immediately after school let out. Hannah flew into the KC airport, giving me an excuse to meet up with a dear old friend in Independence.

Currently sitting in Sarah & the Mollys' living room unwinding with a glass of wine and wishing, as always, for just a little bit more out of life.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dulce de leche!

¡Feliz Navidad! Though I am now employed, I still had to take the cheap way out and make a few Christmas gifts. So I decided to make Dulce de Leche! My friend Anna told me you could just boil a can of sweetened condensed milk and get a version of Dulce de Leche. It doesn't compare to the real thing, but it satisfies a craving.

I read a few recipes online and went for it.

And failed. Don't poke holes in the top of the can. I read this on a few websites alongside warnings of exploding cans and tried it. The milk leaked out and the cans were making some pretty violent sounds.

So I started over and managed to get it right the second time. Here is what I did!

Take the labels off of a few cans of sweetened condensed milk. Do several, because it takes 2-4 hours. The only other thing you will add is a little vanilla. And love, but that is optional.

Stick the cans in water in a large pot. It needs to be deep enough that the cans can submerged in the water by an inch or so. All the recipes I looked at said this will keep anything from exploding. Sounded good to me.

Boil the cans in the water for 3-4 hours. If water starts to boil off the top, make sure to add more (so the cans don't explode...). I boiled mine for just under 4 hours, but I think I could have boiled them a bit longer.

Cool down the cans before opening them (again, explosion rumors). I just left the cans in the pot and threw in a few ice cubes and cold water. You should get something that looks like this (and tastes like heaven):

To make it even yummier, add a bit of vanilla. I added about twice as much as is shown in this photo.

And the final result!!

This shortcut to happiness is worth it. Try it on pancakes and crepes or use it as a dip for apples, pretzels or nuts. YUM! My friends Matias and Pablo would tell you to skip the crepes & apples and just eat it with a spoon.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Santa Baby" singer dies on Christmas

Eartha Kitt died today from colon cancer. She was 81.

Check the New York Times and the Washington Post for a few good pieces on her life.

To my generation, she may only be famous for her song, but I do remember her from movies like Harriet the Spy & Holes.

She was born to sharecropper parents and worked her way up...all the way to Hollywood. She even dated Sammy Davis Jr. She has quite the story. I think the picture Wil Haygood paints of her in the Washington Post piece is priceless. I wish one of my grandmas walked around in a yellow turban with a poodle in each arm.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Feliz Navidad

I can't help but think about the people I love on Christmas, and many of them live very far away. Here is a completely inappropriate, offensive video that reminds me of a French man I love very much, Vincent. Enjoy.

Monday, December 22, 2008


It was so cold today that I didn't have to pay the parking meter while I was working at El Rancho. The meter maids took the day off.

And I don't blame them.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

Because Kyle Cook is awesome, I got to see Slumdog Millionaire today for free. I really enjoyed this movie. It reminded me a bit of Kite Runner (the book, I still haven't seen the movie), but less graphic and less depressing.

Be sure to stick around for the Bollywood shout out at the end!

Spanish word of the day

laughing stock

literally: make me laugh

I had to look this word up and sound it out several times before I realized how obvious the definition is! "Haz" is the command form of "hacer" which means "to make" and "reír" means "to laugh." Brilliant.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spanish word of the day

This one comes from Disfrutando la Gastronomía, where I am learning some good Spanish cooking vocabulary. I can't wait until I am finished with this semester so I can spend some time experimenting w/ the recipes!

dientes de ajo:
cloves of garlic

While I was in Madrid, I think I mistakenly used the phrase "clavos de ajo," because it sounded like a more direct translation. I am glad I was wrong, because a garlic tooth is way cooler than a garlic clove!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals week!

This week has been productive:

2 tests taken. I understood all the questions, that has to be a good sign!
1 movie watched. Razzle Dazzle, a mockumentary about preteen dance competitions. It is as amazing as it sounds: it's in Nancy's top 10 now.

Lots of artificial substances in my body. Too many of them coming from the robusta bean.
1 story written for the Missourian. 1 to go.
1 Christmas present bought! My savings account is now quite tragic, though it did not make me cry, unlike one of the guys I interviewed today about the economy.
1/2 an inch of snow. I didn't make the snow, but I did make it get the hell off my car.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ry Cooder & the Dodger Stadium

I've been teaching Spanish to Tom since I got back to the states. A few weeks ago, he introduced me to a bilingual album by Ry Cooder, Chavez Ravine . A summary from by Thom Jurek explains the album better than I could:

"It documents in mythical style the disappeared Los Angeles neighborhood of Chavez Ravine, a Mexican-American district that fought over by real estate developers, urban planning activists and city government. It was bulldozed in a sleazy deal was cut and it was razed order to erect a stadium that would lure Walter O'Malley's Brooklyn Dodgers to L.A."

Tom and I worked through the song Barrio Viejo (old neighborhood) and learned a lot of vocabulary. I translate a few stanzas below, to give you a taste of its poetry.

Here are the lyrics to the song, which I am posting because it was actually quite difficult to find them. When I did find them, it was in an obscure chicano literature newsletter and I'm pretty sure whoever put it together just wrote down the words to the song as he/she heard them. I fixed the few errors I found, but there are probably still inaccuracies.

Barrio Viejo

Viejo barrio, barrio viejo
Solo hay lugares parejos
Donde un dia hubo casas
Donde vivió nuestra raza.

Solo quedan los escombros (Only ruins remain
De los hogares felices Of the happy homes
De las alegres familias Of the happy families
De esa gente que yo quise. Of these people who I loved)

Por las tardes se sentaba
Afuera a tomar el fresco
Yo pasaba y saludaba
Ya parece que oigo el eco.

Como está Doña Juanita.
Buenas tardes Isabel.
Hola que dices Chalita,
Como está Arturo y Manuel.

Viejo barrio, barrio viejo
Que en infancia te goce
Y con todos mis amigos
Iba descalzo al a pie.

De lay Mayer hasta “El Hoyo”
Desde “El Hoyo” hasta la hacequia,
De la hacequia hasta el rio,
Ese era el mundo mio.

Dicen que eramos pobres, (They say we were poor
Pues yo nunca lo note. Well, I never noticed
Yo era feliz en mi mundo, I was happy in my world
Ese aquel barrio que adore. In this neighborhood I adored)

Bonitas las serenatas
A las tres de la manana
Que le cantaba a mi chata
Pegandito a su ventana.

Por la calle de el convento,
Una casa destruida,
Quedó como momumento
Al gran amor de mi vida.

Pobrecito viejo barrio,
Como te debe doler.
Cuando en nombre del progreso
Derrumban otra pared.

Viejo barrio, barrio viejo, (Old neighborhood, neighborhood old
Yo tambien ya envejecí I also have already gotten old
Y cuando uno se hace viejo And when one gets old
Nadie se acuerda de ti. No one remembers you)

Vamanos muriendo juntos, (Let's go, we are dying together
Que me entierren en tu suelo That they would bury me in your ground
Y seremos dos difuntos And we would be two dead
Rodeados de mil recuerdos. Surrounded by a thousand memories)

To me, this is another "paved paradise" song. I love its sentiment and historical value. I also love that there are two different words for happy in this song. Alegre and feliz. The reason other languages captivate me so much is this-the subtle differences you can't translate.

Spanish word of the day

whimsical, capricious

As in: La pelicula Big Fish es caprichosa. The movie Big Fish is whimsical. Speaking of Tim Burton, how excited are you about the Alice in Wonderland movie? If you haven't already seen it, check out Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. Sweet.

Anyway, I like both of these words because they both sound whimsical. The 'ch' sound isn't very popular in Spanish, which adds to the foreign-ness of the word for me.

(Thanks for helping me out David!)

So long ago!

Here's a little gem from the freshman year iLife competition. Noey and Damian look so young! Nancy looks exactly the same. Be sure to stick it out til the end-there's a blooper reel.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My dear friend Parker's blog lovely. He is an old friend with a sharp eye. He did photo-j at the Journalism school. The man has skills.

Spanish food blog

The other day I found this great food blog in Spanish, disfrutando de la gastronomía (enjoying food or gastronomy). It is done by a Culinary Arts Professor in Toledo, Spain. It's all in Spanish, but the recipes vary. Some are traditional Spanish food, but a lot of it is recipes for food from around the world. I'm excited to learn some cooking vocabulary and hopefully some traditional Spanish recipes! Check it out!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Spanish word of the day

dumbfounded, astonished

I love this word because it is so simple. Boca is mouth in Spanish. Abierta is open. Open-mouthed. Jaw-dropping. Love it.


If I could have any super power, I would choose communication. Now, that may seem like a lame Heart on Captain Planet. Look, he's always in the background on the group pictures. Wouldn't I rather make tornados or fly or something?

No. I wish I had the time to learn every language on the planet. I don't, but I try not to let that discourage me from trying. This website is perfect for those who are mildly curious about other cultures and languages. Anytime I think about seriously taking up a third language, I go check it out here first. The website has a great index and great descriptions on the history of the language and its roots, not to mention all the resources. They include everything from Catalán to Elvish. Haha.

So, go forth and educate yourself!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Youtube video of Obama's public works pledge

Here is the youtube video the NY times article references.

Re: The Visitor

I mentioned a few days ago in a post about this movie that I interviewed Steffany Boster, a woman who adopted children from Ethiopia and is currently hosting an Ethiopian woman in her home. If you would like to read more about her life, check out her blog!

Obama wants public works

I am very excited about this. Obama wants to create public works jobs to boost the economy, according to a New York Times article today. I think this is a great idea! There are some criticisms in the article (i.e. the Federal debt is already so high!), but I think history has proven that this kind of plan works.

In the 1930s, Franklin D. Roosevelt's answer to the Great Depression was the Conservation Civilian Corps and other groups like it which essentially built our National and State Park systems. Groups like these gave my great-grandfathers jobs and put food on my family's table.

My great-grandpa, James Lyman Shearrer, was actually born on the land that became Sam A. Baker State Park in South East Missouri. He worked for the park, managing Corps members, in the 1930s. He helped reintroduce the wild turkey into that area-which my uncles now hunt.

I love the idea of a public works campaign because the long term effects are wonderful. I still enjoy the state park my great-grandpa helped build almost a century ago. My grandparents actually bought land adjacent to the park and we spend our Thanksgivings up there now.

The cabin my grandparents helped to build on land near Sam A. Baker State Park

It will be a burden to get the program started, but if we chose public works that will lead to steady jobs in the future, I think it is a great plan. Think of all the jobs the highway system has created!

What would I like to see?
1. Better mass transit. High speed trains, metro systems in every major city & commuter trains.
2. Better infrastructure for green energy projects. Make a system where it is simple for the family consumer to choose to go "off the grid" for their municipally supplied electricity.
3. Anything we can do for public education.

Lastly, I don't think I'll ever stop being surprised at the interest other countries take in mine. Check out the El País version of this article.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lily Allen cracks me up...

"Everything's cool, as long as I'm getting thinner"
"I'm packing plastic"

She cracks me up. Check out her new song, The Fear:

Ten First Days

My friend Ash (Bridgette in the credits) who hosted me when I came to visit her & Amanda in Santa Monica just emailed me this movie she starred in. It is super short and great! I have such good memories of the time I spent at their apartment. Ashlee was so spirited and giving and inspired me to feel the same way.

Check it out!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Studying in Spain next semester?

I had to sign up for all of my own classes in Madrid with very little advisement or help. This website was incredibly helpful. It explains a little bit about how the Spanish Higher Ed. system works and explains some of the technical vocabulary.

One of the things that surprised me the most about the system at the Universidad de Complutense was that everything was done on paper. When I enrolled for a class, I had to give a 'ficha' or card of personal information with a photo to my professor. Then I had to fill out a form showing which classes I was enrolling in and take it to the ERASMUS (European study abroad) office. This made everything go slowly. I spent the first three weeks of each semester trying out classes before actually enrolling in them.

While I was at the Complutense, they were in the middle of trying out a new system based on the United Statesian way of doing things. The trial classes included things like mandatory attendance, homework and midterms. God forbid! Globalization changes everything.

Happy song

In one of the trailers for Happy-Go-Lucky, I heard this catchy song and googled the lyrics. Kate Nash is from the UK and reminds me a bit of Katy Perry (I kissed a Girl) and Lily Allen. Check her out! I really like "Merry Happy" (the one from the trailer) and this one:

Post Secret auf Deutsch

For all of you who read Frank Warren's blog like it is crack, here is another fix! Click on the link to the right to show the translations. Unlike the Spanish site, the French, German and Korean site have original secrets each week.

My favorite so far is from the French site:

It says: I like being bilingual because I can read twice as many PostSecrets.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Visitor

Last night I went to Schnucks to get a movie to cheer me up. I checked out The Visitor because the box said "uplifting." While it was not uplifting, it was a gem of a film.

I interviewed a woman in Columbia a few days ago, Steffany Boster. Steffany adopted two children from Ethiopia and is currently hosting an Ethiopian woman in her home. She has started numerous homes and projects to help people in several African countries. She isn't a part of any organization. She isn't a missionary. She's a mom with means.

Just like the main character learns in this movie, there are opportunities all around us to make an impact in someone's life. Sometimes going out of your way to help someone can change your life for the better too. Check it out!

Earth Album

A year ago, when I was preparing to go to Madrid, I stalked the city on Google Earth. I looked at photos of the neighborhood I was going to live in to get a feel for the city. Now a website called Earth Album has exactly the same information except you don't have to download anything. Go! Live vicariously through the internet!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spanish word of the day

roast beef


I am thankful for old dear friends like Shawn who call me up on lazy Sunday afternoons to reconnect and commiserate.

I am thankful for new dear friends like Adeline who send me long facebook messages telling me how wonderful I am and helping me maintain my sanity.

I am thankful for creative friends like Amanda. She started this email chain a few weeks ago and has all her dearest friends sending out encouraging notes to each other every morning. (Ash sent out an email with this link the other day. It is a wonderful oral history site!)

And I am thankful for four-wheelers, Sam A. Baker State Park and cousins who love Harry Potter.

Monday, November 24, 2008


...made me happy. It was a risk. Would I need a second glass of wine at intermission just to cope with the overpowering optimism? No. Would I leave the theater resigned to a fate of cynicism? No.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Language Resources

When I got back in the states, my friends Tony & Hannah found me a great Spanish teaching gig. I've found I actually enjoy making lesson plans-a sign of things to come?

Teaching Spanish has kept me in learning mode. I am reviewing the basics every week and constantly looking for new teaching resources. I thought I would pass along this site, because the podcasts here are wonderful.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Super Obama World

This reminds me of my childhood. But better.

happy book

I just finished reading a collection of essays called Grammar Lessons: Translating a life in Spain by Michele Morano.

The first essay, Ca Beleño, describes the author's time in a Spanish class in Oviedo. Wow, I don't think I could have randomly picked a better book off the library shelves. Reading that essay was like reading the last year of my life.

And I never thought an essay on the subjunctive would captivate me! A great read, especially for those of you who have lived in Spain or taught English.
Today I met with a couple of extraordinary women. Though I feel constantly overwhelmed by my job at the Missourian, I have heard some of the most interesting stories. I love being a journalist because you get to spend your time learning about other people and hearing their stories.

Hopefully I will have this one in article form on the website soon.

As for now, I am trying to hold the pieces of my broken self together and remember that times heals all.

My friends and family have been absolutely incredible in my time of transition. I don't know what I would do without them. I live oceans or states away from a bunch of people dear to my heart. I am so thankful for the technology that minimizes those distances! And as much as I hate it for its coldness and darkness, my sótano bedroom with sketchy internet access couldn't be a better escape from the world when it overwhelms me. Especially when you throw in two parents and a brother who know when to leave me alone and when to take me out for lunch.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

new Missourian article

This morning I woke up super early to hang out w/ a DJ at KCOU/88.1FM in the basement of Pershing next door to my dorm from freshman year. I creeped on the DJ opening up the station and talked to him about his talk-show duties. The audio from that should be with my article today. Check it out!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Remembering Berlin

While in Berlin in July, Florian took me to this amazing café where we enjoyed a vegan buffet. The place was Café Morgenrot and it was incredible. Morgenrot to me sounds like morgue + rot. It means dawn.

My favorite was this cold lime & cilantro tofu. Here is the recipe, as best as I could recreate it. And I think it is more a lunch thing, no clue why they served it for breakfast.

Marinated Cilantro Lime Tofu

sliced tofu (1 8 oz package)
1/4 green bell pepper, finely chopped
some red onion, finely chopped (no more than the bell pepper)
lime juice (enough to cover at least one layer of sliced tofu, but remember, the more you put in, the stronger it will be)
a lot of cilantro, finely chopped
red pepper flakes, salt and pepper

Press the tofu to remove excess water
Marinate sliced tofu in this for about an hour
The tofu will have a very strong taste, pour most of the juice out and eat cold with rice.

Another reason I wish I was in Madrid:

Star Wars Exhibit! The traveling exhibit has a huge collection of props from the movie set including Queen Amidala's crazy outfits, the Darth Vader costume and Yoda! The exhibit is divided up by planet. Sweet.

I come from that family. The family that bought every single action figure. The family that has the deluxe edition DVDs. The family that doesn't recognize the prequels because we're such die-hard fans of the originals.

When George Lucas rerelease the original three films in theater, my dad took me to every midnight showing. I saw each of them multiple times. He let me stay up late again to go to the mall because they began selling the new action figures at midnight. Wow. What is it about those movies? When they first came out, they were unique-it was something new. But now, are we just nostalgic? I am nostalgic. But not for 1970s sci-fi. I grew up with Willow, Lady Hawk and Return of the Jedi. And that led to reading the young Jedi knights book series and learning way too much Star Wars trivia (It was originally entitled Revenge of the Jedi).

No wonder I wasn't one of the cool kids in middle school!

If you are in Madrid and you want to go:
Centro de exposiciones Arte Canal
metro: Plaza de Castilla
open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
more info

Friday, November 14, 2008


Earlier this year I read two articles about two women from completely different cultures who had one thing in common: they were the last remaining speakers of their native tongue. Marie Smith, a native of Alaska, was the last native speaker of Eyak before she died in January. Soma Devi Dura, a native of Nepal, is the only remaining speaker of Dura.

The stories of these women struck me. The process of globalization brings us so many good things. Kiwis in Missouri in November. The opportunity to understand humanity at a different level by experiencing other cultures. Travel. But what are the sacrifices?

Then, earlier this week, I read this article in the New York Times. It tells the story of a school in India that is preserving the native languages of the students.

I found it to be encouraging. Humans can be accidentally destructive and also purposefully constructive.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spanish night

Tonight I spent the evening sharing stories with friends about Spain, Uruguay, Argentina and Germany. We traded Spanish music and listened to some Manu Chao & reggaeton. Ronaldo, from Buenos Aires, taught us how to make empanadas and Molly shared her maté with us.

It was a little slice of international heaven.

Matí and Pablo, my Argentine friends from Santa Fe, introduced me to maté while I was in Madrid. It is a very strong green tea with a whole culture behind it. I love the rituals behind this drink. You don't say thank you until you are finished, which may take awhile because it is meant to be shared with friends. You drink maté out of a gourd with a metal straw called a bombilla (bom-bisha). It is delicious and has a lot of téina (caffeine).

Molly added sugar to it, which I hadn't seen done before. Yum! Ronaldo told me that some people drink maté with cold orange juice instead of hot water in the summer.

The video is of my silly Czech friend Adam (wearing a Spanish fútbol jersey) teaching everyone how to drink Argentine tea in Aluche, Madrid. Unfortunately for most of you, it is in Spanish. But you may be able to get an idea of the drink by watching it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama fans

El Pais just published a top ten list of Obama songs. I find that...strange. When did presidential fan videos become the norm? Is Obama just cooler than past candidates? Is this a product of my generation actually caring enough to vote?

I grew up with President Bush. I established my first opinions with him as my president. I don't know what another leader will look like.

Obama ran a campaign that spoke to my generation. He had a cool logo, catch phrases and used the internet to his advantage. What will presidential campaigning look like in four more years?

I am very interested to see what the next four years will look like. I think they will be groundbreaking for our whole country, but I think my generation will see things differently, after all, we can really only compare him to President Bush. All I really remember about President Clinton is Monica Lewinsky.


I was looking for a poem about goldfish and french horns that Lindsay and I talked about the other day when I stumbled across this. Billy Collins is one of my favorite poets and I think this poem will capture how I feel tomorrow morning. Happy Monday!

The Only Day In Existence-Billy Collins

The early sun is so pale and shadowy,
I could be looking up at a ghost
in the shape of a window,
a tall, rectangular spirit
looking down at me in bed,
about to demand that I avenge
the murder of my father.
But the morning light is only the first line
in the play of this day--
the only day in existence--
the opening chord of its long song,
or think of what is permeating
the thin bedroom curtains

as the beginning of a lecture
I will listen to until it is dark,
a curious student in a V-neck sweater,
angled into the wooden chair of his life,
ready with notebook and a chewed-up pencil,
quiet as a goldfish in winter,
serious as a compass at sea,
eager to absorb whatever lesson
this damp, overcast Tuesday
has to teach me,
here in the spacious classroom of the world
with its long walls of glass,
its heavy, low-hung ceiling.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama Reggaeton!!

This is incredible.


El Pais has an article today about SpY, a graffiti artist from Madrid. The author compares SpY to Banksy, the anonymous British street artist.

In the email interview SpY says he stays anonymous because for the same reason a magician doesn't reveal his methods-the audience would lose interest. He also argues that we all have graffiti artists within us-since we were little we've been drawing on bedroom walls instead of paper. He says the policemen don't give him a hard time, and that he even met a policemen who complemented him on his work.

The interview is entitled Madrid ya tiene a su Banksy, and while I agree that it is pretty cool that Madrid has a prolific street artist, I'm not sure we should compare him to Banksy just yet.

That said, SpY, like Banksy, has moved out of his neighborhood and did a project in Japan. He also did a project in braille. Here is some of his art, courtesy of his website:

The last one is in Madrid, just off of Sol near one of the original-language movie theaters & c/ Huertas, a neighborhood of jazz bars.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Anna and the X's

My friend Anna Fleischer has another CD out!

More on world reaction to Obama

My incredible French friend Vincent, who once for weeks on end made me watch a puppet parody of U.S. politicians singing a horrible little song ("We F**ked the World"), is elated about the Obama win. We studied together in Madrid and after hearing from him, I wish more than ever that I was with my ERASMUS friends from last year to share this moment. This truly is a a moment for the whole world to share.

Vincent's message:
Que contento soy ! De hecho, ahora, los estadosunidenses son as listos que los franceses :D Por seguro. Voy a exilarme en vuestro pais pienso :P

It says: How content I am! As a matter of fact, now, the Americans are as smart as the French :D For sure. I think I am going to exile myself to your country :P

The Vincent I know would NEVER admit Americans are intelligent! Haha.

Vincent, si estas leyendo esto, te echo de menos y estoy tan feliz como tú. No puedo esperar a ver como va a pasar nuestro futuro! Besos!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Also proud to be American

My dear friend Adeline commented today on the surge of proud Americans she found amidst her facebook friends. After Obama won last night, I changed my facebook status to 'proud to be American', mostly just to keep from being to 'ra-ra', as I am supposed to be an unbiased journalist this semester.

The first moment I realized I was proud to be American was while standing at the Obama rally last week when he came to campus. There was a volunteer handing out flags to the crowd, and I asked my friend, Hannah, to grab me one. I have never in my life wanted to hold an American flag. Not since I began developing my own opinions. I love the 4th of July as much as the next girl, but mostly just for the fireworks.

While at the rally, I stood next to people I don't usually hang out with. People of my parents generation. I stood behind a black woman and when Obama took the stage, I was in so excited to be seeing someone so important speak that I blurted out to her "I've never seen anything like this before!" She turned around to me and said something like, "That's because there's never been anything like this before."

This race has been impressive. I grew to respect both candidates so much. I, like so many Americans, was just thrilled that change was coming. Any change.

While I was in Spain, I constantly had to defend myself to people. I was thrilled when someone mistook me for German or Canadian because it meant I didn't have to explain my country to them. I always felt like I was on the defensive. When visiting my German boyfriend at the time's parents, I heard an almost audible sigh of relief when I expressed my discontent with President Bush. I was not proud to be American, and abroad, that was seen as a good thing.

After a year of seeing how deeply unimpressed outsiders are with American politics, a disappointment that resonates in my own mind, I came back to the States holding my breath for November.

I don't believe government can or should change everything, but at the very least, it will be nice to have regained the respect of many world citizens.


I don't want my whole blog to be about Omar Bin Laden, but just in case you want to an update, Spain does not heart Omar.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a night to remember

Happy things:
-83% voter turnout in Boone County
-Scott throwing me in the air in victory
-My first time voting!
-Missouri: still a bellwether state?
-CNN's hologram
-I am proud to be an American

Happy New President!


aterrizar: to land, to touch down
aterrorizar: 1: to terrify 2: to terrorize

Another example of why spelling is important in any language. Omar Osama Bin Laden aterrizó ayer en el aeropuerto madrileño. He landed at the Barajas airport. He did not terrorize it.

Spain will decide soon whether or not he can stay.

BBC has what seems like a current picture of him. No more rastas.

To all the United-Statesians out there:


Monday, November 3, 2008

Omar: hippie black sheep of the Bin Laden family?

I just read an interesting article on one of Osama Bin Laden's 19 sons. According to Spain's El Pais, Omar Bin Laden, 28, arrived at Madrid's Barajas airport yesterday and asked for political asylum. He was en route from Cairo to Casablanca and had a layover in Madrid.

Sweet things I gleaned from this article:
-He is a self-proclaimed pacifist.
-He recently married a 52 year old British woman. It is her sixth marriage.
-He hasn't been in contact with his father since 2000.
-He likes horses. He met his wife while she was riding a horse and tried to organize a horse race in Africa to promote peace (also from the BBC article).

Check out the El Pais article to get a good look at his crazy rastas (dreadlocks).


I enjoyed blogging about my experiences living in Madrid last year, so I thought I would keep it up. I am also blogging at through the Columbia Missourian.